Submission Date: 2024-02-15 |
External identifier of this document: |
Editors: Edmond Chuc |
Schemas for the QLD Location Addressing system.
Modules and Class Hierarchy
Classes and Properties
Change Request
A change request contains an RDF patch log body, RDF payload or a SPARQL Update query, and metadata around who made the change request and when.
Subclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
action status Sourced from class:
The change request status. |
Cardinality: [1] |
agent Sourced from class:
Person who created the change request. |
Cardinality: [1] |
description Sourced from class:
A description of the context for the change request. |
Cardinality: [1] |
object Sourced from class:
The IRI of the resource to which this change request applies. |
Cardinality: [1..*] |
participant Sourced from class:
Person who accepted or rejected the change request. |
Cardinality: [0..1] |
schema version Sourced from class:
The SHACL shapes version IRI to which this data conforms to. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema:additionalType Sourced from class:
The class IRI this change request affects. This is the class IRI of the object described with the sdo:object property. |
Cardinality: [1..*] |
schema:error Sourced from class:
Cardinality: [0..1] |
schema:result Sourced from class:
A MediaObject with encoding format and text. |
Cardinality: [1] |
start time Sourced from class:
Date and time when the change request was made. |
Cardinality: [1] |
Action Status Property Shape
SHACL shape of the sdo:actionStatus value where the value is a concept and is part of the ChangeRequestStatuses concept scheme.
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:description "The change request status." ;
sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:node :ChangeRequestStatus ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI ;
sh:path sdo:actionStatus ;
a sh:NodeShape ;
:ChangeRequestStatus-inScheme ,
:Concept-type ;
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:hasValue :ChangeRequestStatuses ;
sh:path skos:inScheme ;
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:hasValue skos:Concept ;
sh:path rdf:type ;
Change Request Example - Valid
A valid change request with an accepted status with an RDF patch log body as the value for sdo:object.
a la:ChangeRequest ;
sdo:actionStatus la-status:accepted ;
sdo:additionalType <> ;
sdo:agent <urn:ladb:user:edmond-chuc> ;
sdo:description "Add suffix for new road divide." ;
sdo:object <> ;
sdo:participant <urn:ladb:user:admin> ;
sdo:result [
sdo:encodingFormat "application/rdf-patch-body" ;
sdo:text """
TX .
A _:B65dab9880ff54f199ebaee037cada261b8 <> "South" .
TC .
] ;
sdo:schemaVersion ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
sdo:startTime "2024-02-16T01:12:08+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
Change Request Example - Invalid
An invalid change request (processing the change request errored out) with an RDF patch log body as the value for sdo:object.
a la:ChangeRequest ;
sdo:actionStatus la-status:failed ;
sdo:additionalType <> ;
sdo:agent <urn:ladb:user:edmond-chuc> ;
sdo:description "Add suffix for new road divide." ;
sdo:error [
sdo:description "Failed to send to RDF Delta Server."
] ;
sdo:object <> ;
sdo:participant <urn:ladb:user:admin> ;
sdo:result [
sdo:encodingFormat "application/rdf-patch-body" ;
sdo:text """
TX .
A _:B65dab9880ff54f199ebaee037cada261b8 <> "South" .
TC .
] ;
sdo:schemaVersion ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
sdo:startTime "2024-02-16T01:12:08+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
Patch Log Header
A Kafka message header object for RDF Patch Log topic. The actual message content is in the Kafka message and not encoded here.
Subclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
schema version Sourced from class:
The SHACL shapes version IRI to which this data conforms to. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema:about Sourced from class:
Indicate what resources are affected by this event. External systems can subscribe to the topic and react to changes based on specific resources being updated. |
Cardinality: [1..*] |
schema:creator Sourced from class:
The identifier of the producer of the event. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema:dateCreated Sourced from class:
The date and time of when the event was created. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema:encodingFormat Sourced from class:
A supported encoding format. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema:isPartOf Sourced from class:
The ChangeRequest object's identifier. |
Cardinality: [0..1] |
Patch Log Header example
A valid Kafka patch log header. Note that the actual header format is a dictionary-like object, so this will need to be converted into an expanded JSON-LD document.
a la:PatchLogHeader ;
sdo:about <> ;
sdo:creator "ladb.admin" ;
sdo:dateCreated "2024-02-16T01:12:08+00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
sdo:encodingFormat "application/rdf-patch-body" ;
sdo:isPartOf <urn:ladb:changerequest:7ec569bd-0dec-4fec-8485-fcb22e1076a8> ;
sdo:schemaVersion ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
System user account.
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
hashed password Sourced from class:
The salt plus hashed content of the user's password. |
Cardinality: [1] |
is active Sourced from class:
Whether the user's account is active or not. Only active users can log into the system. |
Cardinality: [1] |
role Sourced from class:
The role of the user. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema version Sourced from class:
The SHACL shapes version IRI to which this data conforms to. |
Cardinality: [1] |
schema:email Sourced from class:
The user's email. |
Cardinality: [1] |
Annotation Properties
Idiomatic property used for structured values.
Is defined by rdf:
Datatype Properties
hashed password
schema version
Indicates (by URL or string) a particular version of a schema used in some CreativeWork.
Is defined by schema:
start time
The startTime of something. For a reserved event or service (e.g. FoodEstablishmentReservation), the time that it is expected to start. For actions that span a period of time, when the action was performed. E.g. John wrote a book from *January* to December. For media, including audio and video, it's the time offset of the start of a clip within a larger file. Note that Event uses startDate/endDate instead of startTime/endTime, even when describing dates with times. This situation may be clarified in future revisions.
Is defined by schema:
Object Properties
action status
Indicates the current disposition of the Action.
Is defined by schema:
The direct performer or driver of the action (animate or inanimate). E.g. *John* wrote a book.
Is defined by schema:
The object upon which the action is carried out, whose state is kept intact or changed. Also known as the semantic roles patient, affected or undergoer (which change their state) or theme (which doesn't). E.g. John read *a book*.
Is defined by schema:
Other co-agents that participated in the action indirectly. E.g. John wrote a book with *Steve*.
Is defined by schema: